Parents Release Graphic Images Of Seven-Year-Old With Meningitis To Raise Awareness Of The Disease

Brogan-Lei Partridge will have to have her foot amputated.

Warning: Some readers may find the photos in the article graphic.

A seven-year-old girl who was struck down with meningitis B days after being a bridesmaid at her parents’ wedding has to have her foot amputated to save her life.

Brogan-Lei Partridge contracted a strain of the disease while she was on her mum Aimee Partridge, 25, and dad Craig Partridge’s, 29, honeymoon.

The Partridge’s released the pictures of their daughter in Birmingham Children’s Hospital to raise awareness about meningitis B.

“This has totally changed my outlook on life,” Mrs Partridge said.

“It’s shown what’s important and what isn’t, who’s there and who isn’t and people who just want a bit of gossip in comparison to those who genuinely care.

“We went from the happiest day of our lives getting married to this. It’s been hell but Brogan has been an absolute star.”

Aimee and Craig Partridge with their children on their wedding day (L to R) Nualah, one, son Harloe, two, Brogan-Lei, seven, and Niabhy, five.
Aimee and Craig Partridge with their children on their wedding day (L to R) Nualah, one, son Harloe, two, Brogan-Lei, seven, and Niabhy, five.

Brogan-Lei, who lives in Bartley Green, Birmingham, was with her parents, her two-year-old brother Harloe and her two sisters, Niabhy, five, and Nualah, one, in Newquay, Cornwall, when the meningitis struck.

After her parents’ wedding on 18 June, Brogan-Lei became unwell with a suspected eye infection and was given antibiotics.

But her mum took her to their GP after she noticed a rash on her skin when the family returned from Cornwall.

She was rushed to Birmingham Children’s Hospital on 27 June where she was diagnosed with meningitis B.

Brogan-Lei in hospital
Brogan-Lei in hospital

Doctors initially told Brogan-Lei’s parents she would only lose her toes, but on Wednesday 13 July, they said her entire left foot would have to be amputated.

Despite her ordeal, Brogan-Lei has recorded a tear-jerking video message from her hospital bed thanking well-wishers.

With her arm bandaged and rashes caused by the meningitis still visible, she said: “Thank you everybody for being so kind.

“I know you all want me to get better soon. I’m going to do it.”


Mrs Partridge said: “She is well in herself.

“The actual infection has gone now so she is over the worst of it, it is just the damage it has left behind.

“We found out we are going to have to have her left foot amputated this week. We haven’t been told what day yet, it is up to the doctors and consultants to decide.

“Her dad told her and she was actually relieved. She had got it into her head that she was going to die but she hadn’t told us that.

“We were both at the hospital all day every day but now we are taking in turns so one of us can be with our other children too.”


Mr Partridge added: “We would like to raise awareness for meningitis B and the symptoms.

“There isn’t a standard immunisation through the NHS and a lot of people are unaware of the dangers as the infection disguises itself in among common bugs, making it difficult for parents to differentiate.”

The mum’s cousin Lisa Reece, 28, from Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, said she couldn’t hold back the tears when she visited Brogan-Lei.

“Nothing can prepare you for what meningitis does to a body, let alone a little seven-year-old girl,” Reece said.

“You see it in pictures but in reality, it’s much, much more than just a rash.

“Dark and deep tissue damage is visible and a lot of surgery will be required to help the healing process.”

Friends and relatives have now launched a GoFundMe fundraising campaign for Brogan-Lei and the children’s hospital, which has raised £2,140 in just six days.

A petition demanding all children be vaccinated against meningitis B, rather than only those in their first year of school, attracted 800,000 signatures earlier this year. The Government rejected the petition.

A shortage was sparked when parents rushed to vaccinate their children following the death of two-year-old Faye Burdett in February.

To donate to Brogan-Lei’s cause, visit:
